* The Multi-Layer (Multi-layer gutter system)
* Recirculating System
* Technologies – Fixed system – Swing System – Swing+Suspension System
* Advantages of Oscillating System;
- Higher plant DENSITY per hectare: 4 or 6 times more than the traditional method.
- MOST EFFECTIVE USE OF SPACE inside the greenhouse: faster return on investment.
- A high distance to the floor facilitates ventilation and reduces problems such as the following. moisture, use of plant protection chemicals, dirt, etc.
- Optimization of production: lines in harvesting mode and lines in simultaneous sowing.
- Very early maturation of the plant: 2-3 weeks early. First harvest after 45-60 days
- Harvest Advantage: Best market prices, Guaranteed sales
- Lower COSTS: Water saving, Fertilizer saving, Surface cost saving, for 3 years. and Labor saving
MORE UNIFORM crop: The quality of the fruit is uniform throughout the crop. It preserves its natural taste, texture and color!
More CONTROL over production: Not affected by climate and external factors. Production possibilities ALL YEAR round.
Better QUALITY WORKMANSHIP: Easy work for pickers in a controlled environment.
* NGS Rotational System
* NGS Leaf (Soiled hydroponic system)
* NGS Tray (Full Automatic Tray system)
BHK GREENHOUSE is the distributor of NGS (New Growing System) company in Türkiye.